الاثنين، 24 أغسطس 2009

Human VS . Pencil

At the beginning, the creator of the pencil said: "There are 5 things I want you to know before I

send you to that world...remember them and you're going to be the best pencil ever..."

I. You'll be able to make a lot of great things in life but if you are at the hand of one of them.

II. You'll have a very painful sharp from a while to another, but that's very important to be a

better person.

III. You have the ability to erase all your mistakes.

IV. Always the important thing in you is what's inside you.

VII. No matter how the situations are, you have to complete writing...and you have to leave a

significant line, no matter how painful the situation is.

And so, the pencil understood what its creator has just said...it entered that box, prelude to go to

that world after it knew its creator's aim to his creation.

Now, place yourself on this pencil, remember those five things and do NOT forget them. And

you'll be the best pencil ever...

1- You'll be able to make a lot of great things, but only if you leave yourself on God's hand, and

let the humans means you for those talents that you have.

2- You're gonna have a painful sharping from a while to another, for those problems that you're

gonna be exposed of, but that's crucial to be a better person

3- You'll be able to erase your wrong actions and grow up through them.

4- The most important thing in you is always the thing that's inside you.

5- On any way you walk you have to leave a foot print, although what the situation is, you have

to serve God in everything.

Each one of us is a pencil, it been created for a special goal.By understanding and remembering,

let's complete our trip on this planet.Putting in our hearts a goal that has a very beautiful

meaning and has a daily relationship with our God. =)

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